A new character is about to arrive in League of Legends. It is Gwen Runes, a champion with which Riot has been able to surprise us and break the mold. Her weapons: scissors, thread and needles.

After months of waiting for news related to League of Legends, Riot Games has gone all out to surprise us with Gwen Runes, the new champion. Only a few minutes have passed since its presentation and the developer has already revealed the abilities of this particular champion. A creation of Isolde that will be related to the Isle of Shadows and that will have very particular powers based on the tools that were used to create her: son, needle and scissors.
Gwen Runes abilities have been revealed in a spectacular trailer in which, yes, from Riot Games have not wanted to go into details about its operation. However, we can see her in action displaying her full potential in a succession of spells that promises to be one of the most revolutionary for League of Legends. We will have from displacements and melee attacks to the ability to stop everything that rivals throw at us and attack from a distance. An assortment that promises to be as complete as it is complex.
It is one of those videos that we have to watch three or four times to understand what is happening. However, these are the conclusions we have drawn after several viewings:
A definitive that makes it immune to enemy abilities and has the option to disarm opponents
A skill shot (needle) of unknown effect
A passive or ability that seems to boost auto-attacks and allows attacking from a distance with pin bursts
A displacement that allows to get closer to opponents
At the moment, we don't have the official details on how Gwen Runes abilities work, which it seems won't be revealed until it's included in the next cycle of the PBE. However, the kit is promising both in terms of efficiency and its ability to be fun. Riot Games had already promised risk with League of Legends champions, and it looks like they are delivering